Comments - Converting unix timestamp stored as bigint to readable date time

8 years, 8 months ago Thanmaya Bekkalale

Thank you for the revert.

Here is my query:

select company_type,modified_time from companies;

and it returns

| company_type | modified_time |
| MANUFACTURER | 1444274942372 |

modified_time is a bigint(20) datatype.

The same query when I use:

select company_type,from_unixtime(modified_time) from companies;

for the same column it returns a NULL

| company_type | from_unixtime(modified_time) |
| MANUFACTURER | NULL                         |

other info: Server version: 5.5.44-MariaDB MariaDB Server

thank you in advance for the help!

8 years, 8 months ago Ian Gilfillan

Assuming you meant to store a timestamp equivalent to 04/02/47737, this is due to the Unix timestamp limit. See

Currently this is not scheduled to be fixed in MariaDB - see

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