Crash of MariaDB 10.1.21 on IBM i (ZendDBI 10) when do DB2 Data engine tables import

Mariadb imports a lot of InnoDB tables without any problems. MariaDB crashes when importing .sql files with DB2 data engine tables exported from MySQL 5.1.59.

Importing from mariadb local console mysql client we get: ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 49: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Mariadb doesn't log anything more, just crash and leaves a core file of 600 MB .

Any help on troubleshooting this issue would be appreciated.

Answer Answered by Oli Sennhauser in this comment.

If this is really a crash of the MariaDB database server you should see a stack trace in your MariaDB error log. A stack trace means: You hit a bug in your database software. With this stack trace you should open a bug report at your MariaDB support account and hoping that it will be fixed soon. If you cannot find an error log (show global variables like '%error%';) you should at least see with the uptime (status; or show global status like 'uptime';) of your database server how long the server was really running and if it was really a crash.

At least this works on UNIX/Linux systems.


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