Comments - Data-at-Rest Encryption Overview

7 years, 8 months ago Vlad Tokarskiy

Is recommended way to rotate keys using plugin aws_key_management_rotate_key option and configure appropriate permissions in AWS or setup AWS IAM to rotate the key. In galera cluster would it be better to use AWS IAM to rotate instead of individual servers rotating.

Also, once the key is rotated, will "create table" pick up current key or it must be specified?

Thank you for your feedback

7 years, 8 months ago Vladislav Vaintroub

Just enabling annual rotation on AWS does not have any effect until the local keys are rotated.

One approach would be to enable rotation of the key in AWS, and use aws_key_management_rotate_key once a year (so that you're sure that master key has rotated)

Another approach would be to use a different master_key_id for new version - create several master keys in AWS IAM, and change aws_key_management_master_key_id prior to rotating keys with aws_key_management_rotate_key

I'm not sure how all this relates to galera. Whenever new key or key version is created (implicitly, with CREATE/ALTER table if you specify encryption id), or via rotate_key, the new "data" key is created is stored locally in aws-kms-key.x.y . Those keys are not exchanged between servers via replication or galera.

CREATE TABLE always picks up the latest version of the key.

7 years, 8 months ago Vlad Tokarskiy

If I understand correctly, the plugin will start rotate keys process and use newly specified master key to create new local key to encrypt. However, since it's pointing to different master key, how does it decrypt previous local key so that tables can be decrypted prior to rotation. If they don't need to be decrypted, how are they decrypted in during database operation since previous local key can not be decrypted with previous master key id.

Does the aws-kms-key contain master key id?

7 years, 8 months ago Vladislav Vaintroub

Does the aws-kms-key contain master key id?

We don't record it ourselves, the contents of the file is just cipherblob from GenerateDataKey() response. But AWS knows which keys was used. The question "how does it know" interesting, I'll check the KMS documentation.

7 years, 8 months ago Vladislav Vaintroub

Ok, found a (slightly cryptic) explanation here, on slide 18, under 4.

The cipherblob we get with GenerateDataKey and store on disk, actually contains encrypted master key id + datakey.

7 years, 8 months ago Vladislav Vaintroub

AWS KMS does not need or accept master key id for Decrypt, it only needs it for GenerateDataKey/Encrypt.

As you can see, Decrypt actually *returns* the master-key-id that was used for GenerateDataKey its response (how does it know it, I have no idea, never checked), in addition to Plaintext that we use.

Thus: - rotate does KMS-GenerateDataKey., It *needs* master key id. ditto CREATE/ALTER TABLE with new key ids, or - decrypt(at the startup time) does KMS-Decrypt(). It *does not need* master-key-id. It can decrypt multiple local keys, backed by different CMK, or by single CMK that was transparently rotated by AWS.

7 years, 8 months ago Kolbe Kegel

When a key is rotated in AWS KMS, it keeps the same key alias and earlier versions of the key are still available for decryption. Take a look at for more information. Local key rotation, done by MariaDB Server, causes the new version of the key to be written to a file in your datadir. Old versions of the key are kept as well, since they'll be needed to decrypt tables/pages/logs encrypted using earlier versions of the key. When you're certain that an older version of a key is no longer needed, you can delete the corresponding file from the datadir.

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