Data Types
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Data Types in MariaDB
Answered Questions
Custom Auto increment
Dear Sir, How to create custom auto increment on fields? Etc INV.1608.0001 ... -
Data Type
Hello, Can I create my own custom Data type in Maria DB , Can you please pr... -
Determining size of a row in bytes
I have a small but essential requirement that is making me seriously consid... -
Does MariaDB support User Defined Types (UDTs)
MariaDB Knowledge Base shows User Defined Types but I don't see any documen... -
How much storage is available in the FREE versions of MariaDB 5.x and 10.x?
How much storage is available in the FREE versions of MariaDB 5.x and 10.x?... -
Range of values for INT
I believe the note for INT above: Integer from -2147483648 to 2147483648 si... -
What data type should I use to store XML natively in the database?
Hi, I could not find a XML data type. Which data type can I use to store XM... -
What's the chance of a true Boolean data type in MariaDB?
As a MySQL user, I've often been bothered by the lack of a true Boolean dat...
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