Comments - mariabackup 10.11.3-MariaDB incremental backup taking long time due to "Waiting for log copy thread to read lsn"

8 months, 2 weeks ago Chris E

SET GLOBAL innodb_log_file_buffering=ON did not help. Also expire_logs_days=3 did not help. I also tried FLUSH LOGS and PURGE LOGS which also does not have an effect. I am wondering why restarting mariadb solves the issue for a couple of days. I noticed that after a restart the time is increasing day by day. Any further ideas what might be the reason for "Waiting for log copy thread to read lsn 11599896005" taking so much time?

8 months, 2 weeks ago Marko Mäkelä

Your problem description is very similar to MDEV-31410. You could SET GLOBAL innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm=0.001; to make the InnoDB log checkpoint advance more often. This should become unnnecessary once MDEV-30000 has been fixed.

To my knowledge, FLUSH LOGS and PURGE LOGS have nothing to do with the InnoDB storage engine.

8 months, 1 week ago Chris E

this seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks a lot for helping. Might there be any negative impact of this setting? Which?

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