MariaDB Containers
See MariaDB and Docker in action!
- Set up web-based developer environments locally, and connect MariaDB to VS Code Server, CloudBeaver, PHP/Laravel and phpMyAdmin, using a single docker-compose command and configuration file.
Containers are an OCI standard format for software images and their specified time all bundled up into a single distributable time. They can be used for production, development or testing.
Docker Inc. run a Docker Official Images program to provide users with an essential base implementation of MariaDB in a container and to exemplify best practices of a container.
The containers are available on Docker Hub as though many container runtime implementation will fill in the where the host/path isn't specified.
The containers are in a Open Container Initiative format that allows the containers to be interoperable with a number of container runtime implementations. Docker, or more fully Docker Engine, is just one of the many available runtimes.
Many people use MariaDB Docker Official Image containers in CI systems like GitHub Actions, though its possible to use these in production environments like kubernetes.
The MariaDB Server container images are available with a number of tags:
- A full version, like 10.11.5
- A major version like 10.11
- The most recent stable GA version - latest
- The most recent stable LTS version - lts
Versions that aren't stable will be suffixed with -rc, or -alpha to clearly show their release status, and enables Renovatebot and other that follow semantic versioning to follow updates.
For a consistent application between testing an production environment using the SHA hash of the image is recommended like There is a list of mapping and history of tags to SHA hash on the Docker Library repository.
Benefits of Managing MariaDB Containers with Orchestration Software
Benefits of managing MariaDB Containers with Automation Software. -
Installing and Using MariaDB via Docker
Creating and managing a MariaDB Docker container. -
Container Backup and Restoration
Backup and Restore for the MariaDB Docker Official Image -
Container Security Concerns
Security matters related to containers. -
Adding Plugins to the MariaDB Docker Official Image
Summary of methods to install plugins in the MariaDB Docker Library Container. -
Setting Up a LAMP Stack with Docker Compose
How to use Docker Compose to set up containers running a LAMP stack. -
Creating a Custom Container Image
How to write a Dockerfile to create custom images. -
MariaDB Server Docker Official Image Environment Variables
Environment variables can be passed on the docker run command line. -
Running MariaDB ColumnStore containers on Linux, Windows and MacOS
The ColumnStore container allows for a simple setup of a ColumnStore single... -
Docker Official Image Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about the Docker Official Image. -
MariaDB Container Cheat Sheet
Common commands when using MariaDB containers. -
Using -
Deploy MariaDB Enterprise Server with Docker
MariaDB Corporation provides Docker images for MariaDB Enterprise Server in... -
Docker and AWS EC2
This process shows how to deploy, connect to, and create MariaDB database i... -
Docker and Google Cloud
This process shows how to deploy, connect to, and create MariaDB database i... -
Docker and Microsoft Azure
This process shows how to deploy, connect to, and create MariaDB database i...