Comments - DROP TABLE Syntax Causing Memory Leak?

11 years, 11 months ago Elena Stepanova


There have been several issues in MySQL related to DROP TABLE + InnoDB. Although they are marked as fixed, they might give you some ideas about where to start looking:
MySQL Bug #51325
MySQL Bug #64284
MySQL Bug #61188

Also, there is one which is suspected to be related, although it's not confirmed - this one is still open:
MySQL Bug #59727

It is difficult to start guessing from your description what exactly the problem is, in your case. First of all, you say in the subject that DROP TABLE causes a memory leak, but in the description you only mention the database lockup, nothing about memory issues.

Also, you did not say how you detect the lock-up, and what exactly you mean by that -- is it just the DROP TABLE itself that hangs, or does the entire flow stop? Apparently you can at least run SHOW PROCESSLIST, but what else you can or cannot do?

Furthermore, you did not say how the situation eventually resolves: do you kill the query, or do you restart the server, or does the query finish on its own at the end?

Maybe you could try to run SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS while DROP TABLE is hanging and see what it says, it might give some clues about what is going on.

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