Comments - Dynamic Columns API

11 years, 5 months ago Anders Karlsson

Currently, there are bunch of issues with this API on the client side. To begin wirh, to compile with ma_dyncol.h, you first need to include my_global.h, my_sys.h, m_string.h. This would be OK if it wasn't for the fact that my_global.h in turns needs my_byteorder.h, which is not part of the binary distribution (at least not the tarball), it's only there in the source. The same is tru for my_byteorder.h and this in turn includes little_endian.h or big_endian.h, which also do not exists.

So having managed to get the includefiles right, there are some more issues like mariadb_dyncol_init() isn't defined. I can't determine from the doc above if it should be or not, but in any case I think it should really be included. mariadb_dyncol_free doesn't exists and isn't defined as a macro, instead you can use dynamic_column_column_free() which is defined as dynstr_free(V).

As for ma_dyncol.h, this lacks a:

  1. ifdef cplusplus extern "C" {
  2. endif ...
  3. ifdef cplusplus }
  4. endif

So it will not compile correctly with C++.

All this tested on Linux (Ubuntu) x86_64

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