Comments - ERROR 1141 (42000): There is no such grant defined for user

5 years ago Anel Husakovic

Hi, How did you created `myreader` and which mariadb version you are using, also what is the output of `select * from mysql.user`? Please provide as much information as needed to help us solve your problem.

5 years ago William Hearn

The select from mysql.user works fine. It is the SHOW GRANTS that is having the issue. The version is 10.1.12. The role was created long ago. I am the new dba and noticed the backup scripts reporting errors when running mysql --batch --execute='show grants for $user;' So I tried the command on the command line and got the failure. Then I tried the command directly within the database and got the error.

5 years ago Anel Husakovic

And did you analyse what are privileges of your role/user?

Please paste here in comment output from

select * from mysql.user where user=your_user_of_interest 
5 years ago Anel Husakovic

Also what are the privileges of your current user ? SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER();

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