Comments - Error #1558

3 months, 2 weeks ago Ian Gilfillan
Re: Error #1558 [Answer]

You aren't clear about which version you're using (you say MariaDB 10, but there's MariaDB 10.3, which is end-of-life, MariaDB 10.11, the latest long-term release, MariaDB 11.3, the latest short-term release, etc. The 21st column in mysql.proc was added in MariaDB 10.3. This error likely means you haven't upgraded properly from an earlier version, as mariadb-upgrade usually takes care of this. See Upgrading Between Major MariaDB Versions.

3 months, 2 weeks ago Robert Snedden

I'm using MariaDB version 10 running on a QNAP TS250+ NAS LINX OS. The app is phpMyAdmin (can't find out the version number). When I use MariaDB version 5 running on the same platform there is no error. It's only recently MariaDB version 10 was added to the QNAP NAS. On the NAS you get a separate app so bother can be called up by phpMyAdmin and the version of MariaDB selected before entering phpMyAdmin.

3 months, 2 weeks ago Daniel Black

100508 is MariaDB 10.5.8, released a long time ago. Good to see an upgrade from MariaDB 5.5.57 was made available

Per error message find a shell prompt on your NAS and run mariadb-upgrade.

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