ERROR: Got an error writing communication packets
I'm running a query and then I encountered this error:
2023-05-24 12:20:07 36700 [Warning] Aborted connection 36700 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'testuser' host: '' (Got an error writing communication packets) 2023-05-24 12:20:50 36701 [Warning] Aborted connection 36701 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'testuser' host: '' (Got an error writing communication packets)
Here's my configuration:
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet'; +--------------------+------------+
Variable_name | Value |
max_allowed_packet | 1073741824 |
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%timeout%'; +---------------------------------------+----------+
Variable_name | Value |
connect_timeout | 28800 |
deadlock_timeout_long | 50000000 |
deadlock_timeout_short | 10000 |
delayed_insert_timeout | 300 |
idle_readonly_transaction_timeout | 0 |
idle_transaction_timeout | 0 |
idle_write_transaction_timeout | 0 |
innodb_flush_log_at_timeout | 1 |
innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 |
innodb_rollback_on_timeout | ON |
interactive_timeout | 28800 |
lock_wait_timeout | 86400 |
net_read_timeout | 28800 |
net_write_timeout | 28800 |
rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout | 1000 |
rpl_semi_sync_slave_kill_conn_timeout | 5 |
slave_net_timeout | 60 |
thread_pool_idle_timeout | 60 |
wait_timeout | 28800 |