Comments - Error Starting service

8 years, 2 months ago Chris Isaksen

Ok I change the hostname% to an ip and it starts then after about a minute it shuts down.

Last few log entries are: maxscale started with 4 threads fininshed maxscale log flusher maxscale received single SIGTERM. exting (don't know from where) maxscale is shutting down maxscale shutdown complete maxscale is shut down.

Running a separate service from the default as I need to run multiple services, so i copied the maxscale.service and pointed it to a different config file.

anyideas as to why it's shutting down?

8 years, 2 months ago Markus Mäkelä

It is advisable to at least rename the service file (to differentiate them) and point them to completely different directory structures. You will need to point the second instance to a different logging and PID directories in addition to the different configuration file. The systemd service file should be edited to point to the new location of the PID file.

For more information about the locations where MaxScale reads configurations or stores data, please read the MaxScale Configuration document and the documentation for the datadir, piddir etc. parameters.

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