Full backup mariadb

Hello, can someone verify this backup plan?

Running mariadb 5.5.52 on CentOS 7 platform. No plans to upgrade. This is a production database. Small amount, several rows, added each week. Less than 1 G in size.

show databases;






Do I understand that if I mysqldump 1. mysql, 2. snmp, and 3. test databases on server Alpha then restore these same three databases on server Omega running 5.5.52 then Omega will have all the database data and capabilities of Alpha? Do I understand there's no need to worry about information_schema and performance_schema being backed up/restored?

Alpha is a production platform.

Just checking here, thanks.

Answer Answered by Daniel Black in this comment.

information_schema and performance_schema (excluding configuration) aren't saved by mysqldump --all-databases so your are correct, you don't need to worry about them.


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