Comments - Google Summer of Code 2014

10 years, 4 months ago Manuel Schneckenreither

Hi, my name is Manuel and I am a student of Computer Science at the Univeristy of Innsbruck, Austria.

I actually got some basic knowledge of databases from university. I even did a class in which we implemented a small database in Java for education purposes.

I am used to write C code, know object-oriented programming paradigms, but however are a little bit rusty in C++.

The one project, I'm most interested in is listed as "Self-Tuning Optimizer". I am acutally wondering if the learning algorithm to be inplemented is already known in detail or if I could develop one one my own (with respect to the well known machine learning algorithms)?

It actually sounds like a quite complex task. However, when implemented properly it might be a nice (possilby even big) advantage of MariaDB compared to other databases. Currently, I'm not familiar with the code of MariaDB. How long do you expect that I need on digging through the code before I know enough to be able to start coding (I know that's quite hard to predict, but I'd like to have some options from you)?

10 years, 4 months ago Sergei Golubchik

No, the learning algorithm is not known in details. Of course, I have a certain idea about what should be done and how — see MDEV-350 — but you are free to suggest a different approach and convince me that it is better.

This task doesn't need a deep understanding of the MariaDB optimizer, so one should be able to start coding quickly, certainly within a week.

10 years, 4 months ago Manuel Schneckenreither

Sound quite good. I will work out an application the next couple days, if thats OK with you?

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