Google Summer of Code 2018

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This year, again, we are participating in the Google Summer of Code. The MariaDB Foundation believes we are making a better database that remains application compatible with MySQL. We also work on making LGPL connectors (currently C, ODBC, Java) and on MariaDB Galera Cluster, which allows you to scale your reads & writes. And we have MariaDB ColumnStore, which is a columnar storage engine, designed to process petabytes of data with real-time response to analytical queries.

Where to start

Please join us at at #maria to mingle with the community. Don't forget to subscribe to [email protected] (this is the main list where we discuss development).

A few handy tips for any interested students who are unsure which projects to choose: Blog post from former GSoC student & mentor

To improve your chances of being accepted, it is a good idea to submit a pull request with a bug fix to the server.

List of beginner friendly bugs

List of tasks

Loaded from the MariaDB issue tracker

Suggest a task

Do you have an idea of your own, not listed above or in Jira? Do let us know!


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