How enable log on odbc windows

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HI, I'm trying to enable the odbc log on a connection string on a programming windows environment, but it does not work. I've tried the following strings: DRIVER={MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver}; SERVER=xxx; DATABASE=xxx; USER=xxx; PASSWORD=xxx; PORT=3306; OPTION=2075; TRACE=1; TRACEFILE=/util/odbc-tracefile.log the Trace option has been tested with 'yes' also

I've tried OPTION=2054;

All the information I've found is for use on a Linux environment, but I didn't found any advanced guide to use the connection string and the detailed parameters and how to use it. Thnks in advance.

Answer Answered by Esteve Gibert in this comment.

Solved. I've found the log on c:\users\xxx\appdata\local\temp\MAODBC.LOG using DRIVER={MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver}; SERVER=xxx; DATABASE=xxx; USER=xxx; PASSWORD=xxx; PORT=3306; OPTION=2054;



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