Comments - How to change root to native-password plugin with dockerhub image
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MariaDB [(none)]> show create user root; ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MariaDB server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement MariaDB [(none)]> select user,host,plugin from mysql.user; +-------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+
+-------------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.062 sec)
So that explains why I am getting access denied, because no plugin is being used
If I do the following: podman run -dit -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD='davebob' -e MARIADB_ROOT_HOST='localhost' --name ${MARIA_CONT_NAME} --pod ${POD_NAME} ${MARIA_IMAGE} and podman exec -e ROOT_PASSWORD='davebob' -e DB_NAME=${DB_NAME} -e DB_USER=${DB_USER} -e DB_HOST=${DB_HOST} -e DB_PASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD} -it ${MARIA_CONT_NAME} bash -c "mysql -uroot -p\${ROOT_PASSWORD} -hlocalhost -e \"CREATE DATABASE \${DB_NAME} CHARSET utf8; grant all privileges on \${DB_NAME}.* TO \${DB_USER}@\${DB_HOST} identified by '$\{DB_PASSWORD}';\""
I get told that no connection can be made through the socket. tearing my hair out
Ok, I am certain it is because it is running inside a pod. I made a new container using the same commands, and was able to get into it easily.
So, something about the container being inside a pod is causing the issues that I am having.
I guess it is because it is using a network namespace with only 445 and 80 exposed, but that shouldn't stop me from being able to exec into the container and connect using localhost socket. Gah....