Comments - How to include "mariadb-dump" in the build? Best practices for backup?

1 month ago Vladislav Vaintroub

Not, not exactly what I meant.

I mean, if I do the same as you do, then after then cmake --build , there is a client/mariadb-dump already, and if I install with

cmake --install . --prefix my_prefix

then run

my_prefix/bin/mariadb-dump --help

it does what it should do, namely, output usage and various variables it accepts.

I'm saying it works for me, because I just ran this sequence. I could recommend passing -j<number_of_cpus> to the cmake --build , to shorten the build time.

1 month ago John Doe

Ahaaaaaaa! I understand it now!

The "mariadb-dump" is already installed. On my system, MariaDB is installed to "/usr/local/mysql".

And if i run


This will start the "mariadb-dump". I did not know it's inside the installation directory!

So it looks like I do not need to reinstall anything, which is nice.

By the way, I just wonder: If I want to completely uninstall/reinstall MariaDB in the future after building manually, what is the best way?

I just do:

<<code>> sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql <</code>

Or I need to do something else, to make a complete uninstall?

Thank you so much!

1 month ago Vladislav Vaintroub

I think your "rm -rf" should be fine. cmake --install did not create anything outside of that directory.

You need to decide where you'll create data directory with mariadb-install-db, and then decide whether to remove or retain when you uninstall like that, there is no automatisms for that, with "cmake --install"

1 month ago John Doe

Thank you so much Vladislav, you helped me a lot! I was trying to figure out for 8 hours how to include "mariadb-dump" in the installation. It turns out I already had it - haha!

Now I will go continue working on my script to automate database backups with it. I will also try "mariabackup" and compare it, but I think it will be too large for my email attachment.

Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

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