Comments - import

12 years, 5 months ago David Heckendorn

Yes, I was wondering how to import MS access to maria. But apparently, I need all kinds of help.

First of all, I'm confused about Askmonty. Is there a way to search thru the current knowledgebase (without making a new posting)? I'm not seeing it.

Second, I did import a couple tables of mine the simplistic way (convert to csv and transfer). If there is a better way, I'd be interested.

Third, after moving these tables my app is extremely slow. I am using PHP and accessing Maria db thru the 32 bit ODBC drivers. I have 32 bit PHP installed because I used access and it only has 32 bit drivers. However, MS access is blazing fast compared to the same script on Maria db.

12 years, 5 months ago Daniel Bartholomew

You should probably be using the PHP MySQL connector instead of ODBC.

As far as searching the Knowledgebase, there's a search box at the top of every page on the right-hand side.

Good luck!

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