Comments - impossible to set root user

2 years, 1 month ago Fabio Bertini

Sorry, until tomorrow I can't give you a specific answer to what version I have on that PC. I know I have installed with KDE-Neon, and it seems to be a 10 release. No other users. I have only set sudo mysql_secure_installation.

If these info are still too poor, please wait until tomorrow afternoon. Thank you!

2 years, 1 month ago Fabio Bertini

Here you are: mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.34-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2

2 years, 1 month ago Ian Gilfillan

In 10.3, the mysql.user table can be updated directly with something like the following:

1) Start the server --skip-grant-tables.

2) Connect and run the following SQL:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Select_priv="Y",Insert_priv="Y", Delete_priv="Y", Create_priv="Y", Drop_priv="Y", Reload_priv="Y", Shutdown_priv="Y", Process_priv="Y", File_priv="Y", Grant_priv="Y", References_priv="Y", Index_priv="Y", Alter_priv="Y", Show_db_priv="Y", Super_priv="Y", Create_tmp_table_priv="Y", Lock_tables_priv="Y", Execute_priv="Y", Repl_slave_priv="Y", Repl_client_priv="Y", Create_view_priv="Y", Show_view_priv="Y", Create_routine_priv="Y", Alter_routine_priv="Y", Create_user_priv="Y", Event_priv="Y", Trigger_priv="Y", Create_tablespace_priv="Y", Delete_history_priv="Y" WHERE Host="localhost" AND User="root";


4) Exit, and start the server normally

The above will not work from MariaDB 10.4, which introduced the mysql.global_priv table.

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