Comments - index pushdown - Bug or Side Effect

12 years, 2 months ago Elena Stepanova

Hi John,

Thank you for the data, it helped to reproduce the problem. I filed a bug on your behalf on launchpad: You can track further progress there.

12 years, 2 months ago John Sheppard

Thank you :-)

all the best, John

12 years, 1 month ago Sergei Petrunia

FYI: The problem has been fixed, the fix will be included in the next 5.3 release, and in the 5.5 series release that is after the next one (5.5.23 was already building, so the fix didn't make it into 5.5.23)

12 years, 1 month ago Sergei Petrunia

s/5.5.23/5.5.24/. The fix will be in the release next after 5.5.24.

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