Comments - Installing MariaDB Server on macOS Using Homebrew

7 years, 7 months ago Jan Steinman

I successfully installed 10.1.19 using homebrew, but I want to play with 10.2 features, and so I did "brew install --devel mariadb", which breaks when trying to build the CONNECT engine.

The homebrew installation lacks the CONNECT and OQGRAPH engines.

I REALLY need hierarchical queries! I can't install 10.2.2, and I apparently can't use storage engines that support hierarchical queries!

Any suggestions? Any projections on when 10.2 will be "bottled" as a homebrew binary?


7 years, 7 months ago Kolbe Kegel

I was able to successfully build both CONNECT and OQGRAPH engines on macOS Sierra. I had to install boost and judy (currently in the boneyard). The issues with building OQGRAPH on macOS with llvm were fixed only recently and those changes are not included in MariaDB 10.2.2, but they are included in MariaDB 10.1.19, so if you force Homebrew to build from source, you should get the result you're looking for:

brew install boost homebrew/boneyard/judy
brew install mariadb --build-from-source

The fix for building OQGRAPH should be included in the next release of 10.2, so please try --devel again when 10.2.3 is available if you want to play with 10.2 features.

If you try those steps and encounter problems, please provide some additional details.

5 years, 9 months ago Thomas Hamann

Could the fixes for building with llvm please be included with the source code for 10.2.x and 10.3.x? When building from source on an older Mac OS version 10.1.36 (the current 10.1 version for Homebrew) builds fine, but the 10.2 and 10.3 formulae fail with a ranlib-related error.

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