Comments - Issue with INSERT data not being available for immediate SELECT

5 years, 11 months ago Matt Cole
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For the record, here's my code:

int save_to_database(char *a, char *b, my_ulonglong &insert_id) {
  const char *insert_str = "INSERT INTO table_a (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)";
  MYSQL_STMT *stmt;
  MYSQL_BIND bind[2];
  int retval;
  unsigned long buffer_length[2];
  my_bool is_null[2];

  stmt = mysql_stmt_init(boinc_db.mysql);
  if(!stmt) {
    // Print an error, return -1

  if(mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, insert_str, strlen(insert_str))) {
    // Print an error, close stmt, return -1

  memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));

  buffer_length[0] = strlen(c);
  buffer_length[1] = strlen(b);

  is_null[0] = 0;
  is_null[1] = 0;

  bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
  bind[0].buffer = c;
  bind[0].buffer_length = buffer_length[0];
  bind[0].length = &buffer_length[0];
  bind[0].is_null = &is_null[0];
  bind[0].is_unsigned = 0;

  bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
  bind[1].buffer = b;
  bind[1].buffer_length = buffer_length[1];
  bind[1].length = &buffer_length[1];
  bind[1].is_null = &is_null[1];
  bind[1].is_unsigned = 0;

  if(mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind)) {
    // Print an error, close stmt, return -1

  if(mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) {
    // Print an error, close stmt, return -1

  insert_id = mysql_stmt_insert_id(stmt);

  return 0;

int generate_matches(my_ulonglong insert_id, char *a) {
  const char *insert_str = "INSERT INTO table_b (table_a_id_1, table_a_id_2) SELECT ?, id FROM table_a WHERE a = ? AND id != ?";

  MYSQL_STMT *stmt;
  MYSQL_BIND bind[3];
  int retval;
  unsigned long buffer_length[3];
  my_bool is_null[3];

  stmt = mysql_stmt_init(boinc_db.mysql);
  if(!stmt) {
    // Print an error, return -1

  if(mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, insert_str, strlen(insert_str))) {
    // Print an error, close stmt, return -1

  memset(bind, 0, sizeof(bind));

  buffer_length[0] = sizeof(insert_id);
  buffer_length[1] = strlen(a) + 1;
  buffer_length[2] = sizeof(insert_id);

  is_null[0] = 0;
  is_null[1] = 0;
  is_null[2] = 0;

  bind[0].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
  bind[0].buffer = &insert_id;
  bind[0].buffer_length = buffer_length[0];
  bind[0].length = &buffer_length[0];
  bind[0].is_null = &is_null[0];
  bind[0].is_unsigned = 1;

  bind[1].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
  bind[1].buffer = a;
  bind[1].buffer_length = buffer_length[1];
  bind[1].length = &buffer_length[1];
  bind[1].is_null = &is_null[1];
  bind[1].is_unsigned = 0;

  bind[2].buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
  bind[2].buffer = &insert_id;
  bind[2].buffer_length = buffer_length[2];
  bind[2].length = &buffer_length[2];
  bind[2].is_null = &is_null[2];
  bind[2].is_unsigned = 1;

  if(mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind)) {
    // print an error, close stmt, return -1

  if(mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) {
    // Print an error, close stmt, return -1


  return 0;

And then later on in my program, I have:

      if(save_to_database(b, c, insert_id)) {
        // Print an error, rollback, turn autocommit on, return -1

      if(generate_matches(insert_id, c)) {
        // Print an error, rollback, turn autocommit on, return -1

Nothing here is generating errors. It's just that the code in generate_matches doesn't insert anything.

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