JDBC Connection String with SSL using all 3 certificates CA, Cert and Private Key

Hi, we are struggling with MariaDB JDBC client using SSL. Trying to connect with Putty and/or Squirrel works fine, when using parameters --ssl-ca=ca-cert.pem --ssl-cert=client.pem --ssl-key=privatekey.pem But we cannot find anywhere in the web and/or MariaDB documentation how to construct the JDBC connection string using all the 3 certs mentioned above. The MariaDB documentation only shows a simple sample with parameter sslServerCert= But how can we handover the 2 other certificates? Our idea would be something like that: sslServerCert=....&sslCientCert=...&sslPrivateKey=... ??? Any idea or hint is very welcome. Thanks a lot in advance. Volker btw: I am everything else than a security expert. Thus please be patient, if I should not directly understand replies to this question.


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