Comments - Lot of activities

1 month, 1 week ago Daniel Black

Not sure what your measure for activities is.

You can use SHOW EVENTS to see if anything is scheduled within MariaDB.

You could enable the general_log for this period (enabled manually or via cron - there's no MariaDB setting for it) it it always occurs and take a look.

It could be just the time a backup is scheduled by cron or some other application.

1 month, 1 week ago Olivier Studer

Hi again,

I forget to write that I have a replica set Master-Slave Mariadb configuration.

Regards Olivier

1 month, 1 week ago Olivier Studer


In the log file, I have count 1478 queries. And 1440 queries with using the table "performance_schema.replication_group_members".

It's look strange ?

Why do you means ?

Regards Olivier

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