Comments - Maria 10.0.15 high CPU/disk usage without queries

9 years, 4 months ago Artem Kuchin

I'll comment by own question :)

I futher got stats on users and clients and found that there are two users which are doing select statements like crazy. Stats show liek 10M lines selected in minutes. However, i still do not see their queries using show processlist however, full query log show all their crazy select queries. Two questions arise: 1) Why show proccesslist is always empty? 2) Why i did not see such load before?

I wild guess is that mariadb and new freebsd version/setup are times faster than myssql on older config and i just cannot catch the queries, they are all executed extremely fast. And this "fastness" must come with higher cpu load. CPU is the same. So, if more work is done per seconds then i must see higher load. Probably before hdd or memory or mysql itself something was the bottleneck and CPU was very much underloaded, now, that bottlenecks are gone CPU got its load. And indeed i see that all queries now exected faster and sites are actually more responsive.

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