Comments - MariaDB 10.2.14 Release Notes

6 years, 3 months ago Lee Johnson

Hi, I was able to use the version 10.2.13 to realize synchronized replication which based of GTID. But when I uninstalled 10.2.13, and install 10.2.14, use the same /etc/my.cnf configuration file, the slave mariadb can not get the changes of the master mariadb do. From the log bellow I can not get what the reason that why slave can not get the master changes, for eg. I create a database mydbs in master. Could you give me some suggestion, wait for you reply online .Thanks a lot !

[ log ] 2018-04-16 12:47:33 140621592798976 [Note] Slave SQL thread initialized, starting replication in log ‘FIRST’ at position 4, relay log ‘/data/mariadb/relaylogs/relay -bin.000001’ position: 4; GTID position ‘0-1-210756’ 2018-04-16 12:47:33 140621593102080 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to master ‘[email protected]:3306’,replication starts at GTID position ‘0-1-210756’

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