Comments - MariaDB and .Net

7 years, 5 months ago B W

You don't do connector development???....but why do you have connectors to ODBC, C/C++ and Java?

And why do you have your own versions of those connectors when MySQL also have equivalent connector for those languages/technologies? MariaDB users can just use those connectors, right? Of course not! It's obvious why! And the same arguments can be use to why you should have your own .Net connector.

I assume the the correct answer to the original question is "it's a matter of priorities.".

Personally I think you make a mistake not prioritizing a .Net connector. At least just reuse 99,9% of the MySQL .Net connector code. It's a bad signal to send: "Use the MySQL .Net connector"

I understand that your cannot make a connector to all languages.....but I would say .Net should not be neglected. But I have no statistic it back it up. It would be interesting to know how many uses (or would like to use) .Net against MySQL/MariaDB. If it's me, Danny and a few others, I understand your prioritize...but I wonder :-P

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