MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster Test Tool
MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster Test Tool should be run after the "Preparing For ColumnStore Installation" steps are performed on the server(s)/node(s) that are being used for the MariaDB ColumnStore Product and before MariaDB ColumnStore Product is installed. It will validate that the server(s)/node(s) are setup and configured correctly to allow a clean install of the MariaDB ColumnStore Product.
Here is a link to the "Preparing For ColumnStore Installation" document:
Here are the items that are tested/check during the running of this tool:
- Node Ping test
- Node SSH test
- ColumnStore Port (8600-8620) test
- OS version
- Locale settings
- Firewall settings
- Dependent packages installed
- For non-root user install - test permissions on /tmp and /dev/shm
This tool can be used on single-server installs also, not just clusters with multiple nodes On single-server installs, the following items will be tested:
- Dependent packages installed
- For non-root user install - test permissions on /tmp and /dev/shm
Tool Installation
To perform testing on a multi-node system, these 2 packages are required to be installed before the tool is run.
- expect
- mnap
MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster Test Tool is a tar package that consist of mutli files. It can be download from here:
The package should be installed on the server/node that will be designated as the Performance Module #1 (pm1). It should be installed in the home directory where the MariaDB ColumnStore Product will be installed. If MariaDB ColumnStore Product is going to be installed as root user, then place the place the package in /root to unpackaged and tested. If MariaDB ColumnStore Product is going to be installed as non-root user, please the package in /home/'user' to be unpackaged and tested.
The package name is ClusterTesterTool.tar.gz. To unpackage it, run the following:
tar zxvf ClusterTesterTool.tar.gz
Tool Usage
After downloading and unpackaging, here is how to execute the tool:
cd ClusterTesterTool ./ 'options'
Addition information from the tool can be obtained by running 'help'
# cd ClusterTesterTool # ./ -h This is the MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster System Test tool. It will run a set of test to validate the setup of the MariaDB Columnstore system. This can be run prior to the install of MariaDB ColumnStore to make sure the servers/nodes are configured properly. It should be run as the user of the planned install. Meaning if MariaDB ColumnStore is going to be installed as root user, then run from root user. Also the assumption is that the servers/node have be setup based on the Preparing for ColumnStore Installation Additional information on Tool is documented at:*****/ Items that are checked: Node Ping test Node SSH test ColumnStore Port test OS version Locale settings Firewall settings Dependent packages installed For non-root user install - test permissions on /tmp and /dev/shm Usage: ./ [options] OPTIONS: -h,--help Help --ipaddr=[ipaddresses] Remote Node IP Addresses, if not provide, will only check local node --os=[os] Change OS Version (centos6, centos7, debian8, suse12, ubuntu16). (Default is centos7) --password=[password] Provide a user password. (Default: ssh-keys setup will be assumed) -c,--continue Continue on failures NOTE: Dependent package : 'nmap' and 'expect' packages need to be installed locally
'ipaddr' - This is the list of IP Addresses of the other server/nodes that make up the MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster. If this is not provide, just the Single-Server Local node tests will be performed.
'os' - Since this can run on multiple OS platforms which use different commands to check for packaging, as an example, the OS version is required. This is the list of support versions:
- centos6
- centos7
- debian8
- suse12
- ubuntu16
NOTE: If no 'os' is provided, the tool will assume 'centos7'
'password' - The toll will log into the other server/nodes that make up the MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster to perform test. So the user password or ssh-key setup is required.
NOTE: If no 'os' is provided, the tool will assume ssh-keys are setup between the local node and the other server/nodes that make up the MariaDB ColumnStore Cluster.
'continue' - This option allows the user to run the tool to completion while reporting test/check failures. When this option is not used, then a prompt will be issued allowing the user to stop and fix the issue or continue.
Here is an example:
./ --ipaddr=x.x.x.x *** This is the MariaDB Columnstore Cluster System test tool *** ** Run Ping access Test to remote nodes x.x.x.x Node Passed ping test ** Run SSH Login access Test to remote nodes x.x.x.x Node Passed SSH login test ** Run OS check - OS version needs to be the same on all nodes Local Node OS Version : Linux Debian stretch/sid x.x.x.x Node OS Version : Linux RedHat 6.9 Failed, x.x.x.x has a different OS than local node Failure occurred, do you want to continue? (y,n) > n