MariaDB Connector/R2DBC Connection Parameters
Java developers can use MariaDB Connector/R2DBC to establish client connections with MariaDB database products.
Connection Parameters
MariaDB Connector/R2DBC supports several connection parameters:
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
allowMultiQueries | Allows you to execute several SQL statements in a single call. The statements should be separated by the ; delimiter. For example, the following string would execute two INSERT statements: INSERT INTO a VALUES('b'); INSERT INTO c VALUES('d'); Enabling multi-query functionality might be a security risk, because malicious users could use it for SQL injection attacks. | boolean | false |
allowPipelining | Allows queries to be executed in a pipeline, so that the next query is sent to the server before the previous query has finished execution. | boolean | true |
allowPublicKeyRetrieval | Allows the RSA public key to be retrieved from the server, rather than from the cachingRsaPublicKey or rsaPublicKey parameters. It is generally more secure to configure the RSA public key using the cachingRsaPublicKey or rsaPublicKey parameters. The RSA public key only applies when connecting to MySQL with the sha256_password or caching_sha2_password authentication plugins. | boolean | true |
autocommit | Sets default autocommit value on connection initialization. | boolean | true |
cachingRsaPublicKey | Configures the RSA public key. The RSA public key only applies when connecting to MySQL with the sha256_password or caching_sha2_password authentication plugins. | String | |
clientSslCert | Configures the TLS client certificate. The TLS client certificate is only required when TLS client authentication is required. The parameter can be specified in 3 different formats: • Specify the absolute path to a PEM or DER certificate file: .clientSslCert("/path/to/cert.pem") • Specify the path to a PEM or DER certificate file relative to the Java CLASSPATH: .clientSslCert("classpath:relative/cert.pem") • Specify a PEM or DER certificate string: .clientSslCert("CERTIFICATE_STRING") | String | |
clientSslKey | Configures the TLS client private key. The TLS client private key is only required when TLS client authentication is required. | String | |
clientSslPassword | Configures the password for the TLS client private key. This is only required when the clientSslKey parameter refers to an encrypted private key file. | charsequence | |
connectionAttributes | Sets client attributes that are sent to the server. When performance_schema is enabled on the server, the client attributes can be queried from the performance_schema.session_connect_attrs and performance_schema.session_account_connect_attrs tables. Client attributes can be used to identify which client or application is using each connection. | Map<String,String> | |
connectTimeout | Sets the connection timeout. | duration | 10s |
database | Default database to use when establishing the connection. | string | |
host | IP address or DNS of the database server. Multiple hosts can be set by using comma separated list. If the first host is not reachable (timeout is connectTimeout), the driver uses the next host. Not used when using option socketPath. | localhost | |
isolationLevel | Allows setting the default isolation level on connection creation. Possible values are: READ-COMMITTED, READ-UNCOMMITTED, REPEATABLE-READ, or SERIALIZABLE. For example: r2dbc:mariadb:USER@PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE?isolationLevel=REPEATABLE-READ | String | null |
loopResources | Permits sharing netty EventLoopGroup among multiple async libraries/framework. | LoopResources | |
pamOtherPwd | Configures the secondary password. The secondary password is only required when the pam authentication plugin is used to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA). If multiple passwords are specified, the value must be URL encoded. | string | |
password | User password. | string | |
permitRedirect | Permit server redirection | boolean | true |
port | Database server port number. Not used when using option socketPath. | integer | 3306 |
prepareCacheSize | If useServerPrepStmts = true, caches the prepared information in a LRU cache to avoid re-preparation of command. On the next use of that command, only the prepared identifier and parameters (if any) will be sent to server. This enables the server to avoid reparsing query. | int | 256 |
restrictedAuth | Can restrict authentication to the specified list of authentication plugins. The authentication plugins should be separated by commas. When set to an empty string, any authentication plugin can be used. By default, the following authentication plugins can be specified: mysql_native_password, mysql_clear_password, client_ed25519, dialog, sha256_password, or caching_sha2_password. | string | |
rsaPublicKey | Configures the RSA public key. The RSA public key only applies when connecting to MySQL with the sha256_password or caching_sha2_password authentication plugins. | string | |
serverSslCert | Configures the TLS server certificate or the server's TLS CA certificate. This parameter enables a self-signed certificate to be trusted. The parameter can be specified in 3 different formats: • Specify the absolute path to a PEM or DER certificate file: serverSslCert("/path/to/cert.pem") • Specify the path to a PEM or DER certificate file relative to the Java CLASSPATH: .serverSslCert("classpath:relative/cert.pem") • Specify a PEM or DER certificate string: .serverSslCert("CERTIFICATE_STRING") | string | |
sessionVariables | Sets session values of system variables upon successful connection. The value should be set to a mapping of variables to values. For example, map.put("sql_mode", "ORACLE") or map.put("log_warnings", "5") The values of session variables can be retrieved using SHOW SESSION VARIABLES. | Map<String,String> | |
socket | Configures the path to the Unix domain socket. Connecting to a Unix domain socket can be faster than connecting via TCP/IP. Connecting to a Unix domain socket also allows authentication to occur using the unix_socket authentication plugin. Unix domain socket connections are only supported when the server is on the same system as the client. | string | |
sslContextBuilderCustomizer | Used with sslMode=TUNNEL, enables use of a customized SSL Context Builder. By default, SSL tunnel mode does not validate tunnel certificates and hostnames. This option permits the use of certificates, and setting the required protocol and ciphers to create a tunnel socket. | UnaryOperator<SslContextBuilder> | |
sslMode | Sets the TLS mode. Possible values are: DISABLE - TLS is disabled. TRUST - TLS is only used for data-in-transit encryption. The TLS server certificate is not verified, and the server's hostname is not validated against the certificate. MariaDB recommends only using this TLS mode for development. TUNNEL - Enables use of a use pre-existing SSL tunnel. VERIFY_CA - TLS is used for data-in-transit encryption, and the TLS server certificate is verified. The server's hostname is not validated against the certificate. VERIFY_FULL - TLS is used for data-in-transit encryption, and the TLS server certificate is verified, and the server's hostname is validated against the certificate. | SslMode | DISABLE |
sslTunnelDisableHostVerification | When the sslMode connection parameter is set to SslMode.TUNNEL, host verification can be disabled by setting this connection parameter to true. | boolean | false |
tcpAbortiveClose | This option can be used in environments where connections are created and closed in rapid succession. Often, it is not possible to create a socket in such an environment after a while, since all local "ephemeral" ports are used up by TCP connections in TCP_WAIT state. Using tcpAbortiveClose works around this problem by resetting TCP connections (abortive or hard close) rather than doing an orderly close. | boolean | false |
tcpKeepAlive | Sets socket to keep alive. | boolean | false |
timezone | This option permits forcing a session timezone in case of a client having a different timezone compared to the server. Possible values are: disabled (default) : connector doesn't change time_zone auto : client will use client default timezone <a java timezone>: connector will set connection variable to the value Since 1.2.0 | string | disabled |
tinyInt1isBit | Configures how the connector handles BIT(1) and TINYINT(1) values in result sets. When set to true, the values are handled as boolean objects. When set to false, the values are handled as int objects. | boolean | true |
tlsProtocol | Configures the supported set of TLS protocol versions. The value can be set to a comma-separated list of TLS protocol versions. For example: .tlsProtocol(("TLSv1.2",TLSv1.3")) | List | java default |
transactionReplay | Saves commands in transactions. If a failover occurs during a transaction, the connector can automatically reconnect and replay transactions, making failover completely transparent. The driver will buffer up commands in a transaction until an inner limit is reached. A huge command may temporarily disable transaction buffering for current transactions. Commands must be idempotent only (queries can be "re-playable"). | boolean | false |
username | User of access database. | string | |
useServerPrepStmts | Configures whether queries with parameters are evaluated using server-side prepared statements or client-side prepared statements. When server-side prepared statements are used, queries are transmitted using the binary protocol by default, but the text protocol can be used by prefixing the query string with /*text*/. When client-side prepared statements are used, queries are always transmitted using the text protocol. | boolean | false |
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