Comments - MariaDB errors after OpenSUSE Leap update

3 years, 6 months ago Erik Gordon Bainbridge

In case it helps someone, here is how I solved the problem. This is on OpenSUSE Leap 15.2.

1. Renamed /var/lib/mysql and /etc/my.cnf to temporary names 2. Completely uninstalled mariadb 3. Created a file in /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d to increase the open files limit and then reload the systemd manager configuration with the following code

tee /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limitnofile.conf <<EOF

systemctl daemon-reload

4. Installed mariadb and mariadb-tools 5. Deleted /var/mysql and /etc/my.cnf created by mariadb and renamed my old ones to these names

My system is fine now. Renaming /var/lib/mysql and /etc/my.cnf were essential steps. I still don't know why an OpenSUSE update triggered the problem. I dudn't see comments about it in OpenSUSE forums, so there must have been something in my configuration that caused it, but I don't know what. I have a pretty standard installation.

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