MariaDB FTP Server

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The MariaDB Foundation has provided an FTP server which can be used to upload files to be used by MariaDB developers, for example table structure and data for bug reports.

To access it, use your favorite FTP client and connect to:

  • Username: anonymous
  • Password: your email address

After you log in, you will see three folders: private, public, and secret.

  • The public folder is for files that the MariaDB developers want to give the public access to (patches, samples etc).
  • The private folder is for uploads. Files uploaded there can only be accessed by MariaDB developers. You will not be able to see your upload and this folder does not allow downloads. This is done to protect any sensitive information which may be in test results, mysqld & core files. Upload those into this folder
  • The secret folder is for private downloads. Files in this folder are not visible so you will need the complete filename to successfully download a file from this folder.


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