MaxScale 24.02 Upgrading MariaDB MaxScale from 1.4 to 2.0

Upgrading MariaDB MaxScale from 1.4 to 2.0

This document describes particular issues to take into account when upgrading MariaDB MaxScale from version 1.4 to 2.0.

For more information about MariaDB MaxScale 2.0, please refer to ChangeLog.


Before starting the upgrade, we strongly recommend you back up your current configuration file.


The default way the communication between MaxAdmin and MariaDB MaxScale is handled has been changed from an internet socket to a Unix domain socket. The former alternative is still available but has been deprecated.

If no arguments are given to MaxAdmin, it will attempt to connect to MariaDB MaxScale using a Unix domain socket. After the upgrade you will need to provide at least one internet socket related flag - -h, -P, -u or -p - to force MaxAdmin to use the internet socket approach.


user@host $ maxadmin -u admin

MySQL Monitor

The MySQL Monitor now assigns the stale state to the master server by default. In addition to this, the slave servers receive the stale slave state when they lose the connection to the master. This should not cause changes in behavior but the output of MaxAdmin will show new states when replication is broken.


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