MaxScale 25.01 MariaDB MaxScale 25.01.1 Release Notes -- 2025-01-16

MariaDB MaxScale 25.01.1 Release Notes -- 2025-01-16

Release 25.01.1 is a GA release.

This document describes the changes in release 25.01, when compared to release 24.02.

For any problems you encounter, please consider submitting a bug report on our Jira.

Changed Features

MXS-5122 Scale everything according to the amount of available container resources

If MaxScale is running in a container, it will adapt to amount of resources (CPUs and memory) available in the container. See threads and query_classifier_cache_size for more information.

Dropped Features

Deprecated Features

New Features

MXS-3628 Fully support inclusion and exclusion in projection document of find

NoSQL now supports the exclusion of any field and not only _id. Further, fields can also be added and the value of an existing field reset using expressions.

MXS-4761 Diff - Router for comparing different servers

Diff is a router using which the behaviour of two servers can be compared. Please see Diff for more information.

MXS-4791 Workload Capture and Replay

A number of components using which a live workload can be captured and later replayed. Please see Wcar for more information.

MXS-4842 Safe failover and safe auto_failover

Added a safe-option to MariaDB Monitor auto-failover. safe does not perform failover if data loss is certain. Equivalent manual command added. See monitor documentation for more information.

MXS-4897 Add admin_ssl_cipher setting

Enabled REST-API TLS ciphers can be tuned with the global setting admin_ssl_cipher.

MXS-4986 Add low overhead trace logging

The new trace_file_dir and trace_file_size parameters can be used to enable a trace log that writes messages from all log levels to a set of rotating log files.

This feature is an alternative to enabling log_info which is is not always feasible in a production system due to the high volume of log data that it creates. This overhead of writing large amounts of trace logging data could be mitigated by placing the log directory on a volatile in-memory filesystem but this risks losing important warning and error messages if the system were to be restarted.

The new trace logging mechanism combines the best of both worlds by writing the normal log messages to the MaxScale log while also writing the info level log messages into a separate set of rotating log files. This way, the important messages are kept even if the system is restarted while still allowing the low-level trace logging to be used to analyze the root causes of client application problems.

MXS-5016 Add support for MongoDB Compass

NoSQL now implements the commands needed by MongoDB Compass, which now can be used for browsing NoSQL collections.

MXS-5037 Track reads and writes at the server level

In addition to the existing routed_packets counter in the service and server statistics, the number of reads and writes is also tracked with the new routed_writes and routed_reads counters.

MXS-5041 Don't replay autocommit statements with transaction_replay

With transaction_replay_safe_commit=true (the default), readwritesplit will no longer replay statements that were executed with autocommit=1. This means that a statement like INSERT INTO software(name) VALUES ('MariaDB') will not be replayed if it's done outside of a transaction and its execution was interrupted. This feature makes transaction_replay safer by default and avoids duplicate execution of statements that may commit a transaction.

MXS-5047 Test primary server writability in MariaDB Monitor

MariaDB Monitor can perform a write test on the primary server. Monitor can be configured to perform a failover if the write test fails. This may help deal with storage engine or disk hangups. See monitor documentation for more information.

MXS-5049 Implement host_cache_size in MaxScale

Similar to MariaDB, MaxScale now stores the last 128 hostnames returned by reverse name lookups. This improves the performance of clusters where clients are authenticated based on a hostname instead of a plain IP address. The new host_cache_size parameter can be used to control the size of the cache and the cache can be disabled with host_cache_size=0.

MXS-5069 support bulk returning all individual results

MaxScale now supports the protocol extensions added in MariaDB 11.5.1 where the bulk execution of statements returns multiple results.

MXS-5075 Add switchover option which leaves old primary server to maintenance mode

MariaDB Monitor module command switchover can now be called with key-value arguments. This form also supports leaving the old primary in maintenance mode instead of redirecting it. See monitor documentation for more information.

MXS-5136 Extend the number of supported aggregation stages and operations.

NoSQL now implements the command aggregate and provides a number of aggregation pipe line stages and operators.


Numerous additions have been added and improvements made to MaxGUI. The most notable ones are listed here:

  • MXS-3852 Show Only SQL editor Sessions/Connections Status Separately On Maxscale GUI
  • MXS-3952 Auto-inject LIMIT and OFFSET, and allow no limit
  • MXS-4370 Auto expand active schema node
  • MXS-4849 Export the visualized configuration graph
  • MXS-4886 Query Editor: Add UI for creating and altering object
  • MXS-5228 Visualize active_operations

Bug fixes

These are bug-fixes, which are not present in MaxScale 24.02.4, the most recent MaxScale maintenance release.

  • MXS-4785 KafkaCDC JSON conversion is taking most of the CPU time
  • MXS-5201 SystemD complains about legacy PID file paths
  • MXS-5246 Kafkacdc may produce invalid JSON
  • MXS-5314 Resultset table not fully expanded for inactive query tab
  • MXS-5332 The /var/lib/maxscale/maxscale.cnf.d should be a part of the packages
  • MXS-5382 Errors due to max_connections being exceeded are always fatal errors
  • MXS-5395 Kafkacdc errors for wrong GTID positions are not clear
  • MXS-5397 NVL and NVL2 are not detected as builtin functions outside of sql_mode=ORACLE
  • MXS-5401 absolute path to maxctrl.js in binary tarball bin/maxscale script
  • MXS-5408 rebuild-server does not work with MariaDB 11.4
  • MXS-5409 list session in GUI shows wrong amount of sessions
  • MXS-5415 retry_failed_reads is not affected by delayed_retry_timeout
  • MXS-5419 Duration types that only take seconds return ms as units instead of s

Known Issues and Limitations

There are some limitations and known issues within this version of MaxScale. For more information, please refer to the Limitations document.


RPM and Debian packages are provided for the supported Linux distributions.

Packages can be downloaded here.

Source Code

The source code of MaxScale is tagged at GitHub with a tag, which is identical with the version of MaxScale. For instance, the tag of version X.Y.Z of MaxScale is maxscale-X.Y.Z. Further, the default branch is always the latest GA version of MaxScale.

The source code is available here.


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