Comments - MariaDB Memory Allocation

6 years, 4 months ago Troy Frericks

Created 2010; Refreshed Oct, 2012, Jan, 2014

It's 2018. Probably time to update this article.

As MariaDB has accelerated development, and are not afraid to remove and change things, I suggest that the web site / documentation be organized by major releases, and articles updates as new releases become Stable/GA. For example, separate documentation for 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, etc.


3 years, 4 months ago monty3242

In general, MariaDB does not remove features from release to release. We also always mark in the "KB" in what release a specific feature was added. This means that when one wants to read up on a feature, one can quickly skip the parts that does not affect the version that is used. In addition one can quickly see the benefits one can get by upgrading MariaDB.

We don't have the resources to maintain a manual per release. Also doing it that way would make it almost impossible for the community to improve the manual (as they would have to do the changes in all releases, which is not practical.

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