Comments - MariaDB support

4 years, 2 months ago Rushika Patel

I am using mariadb 10.3. I have one table having 10 million records in it and it can be grow to 50 million records in upcomming 2 or 3 months.

On this table I have around 32 columns and have prssilbe search on around 22 columns. This table have contact related information and it will have dynamic filtering option like below.

select feilds from table where first_name='ABC' and group='Gold' and phone_number='xxxxxxxxxx' and (city="Surat" or (state="Panjab" and city='Hariyana')) and status in ("progressive","Not interested");

So sequece of fields can be changed base on client need.

Also this table have select and update operations. It is running this select query on every minute and update can be done based on need. So mostly update is done on every second or in part of second.

Please suggest me how to make indexing dynamically on this.

I do had already applied indexing on some fields but if sequnce of value is getting changed then it is taking much time to execute query.

Thanks in advance.

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