Comments - mariaDB_client-1-0-0_win64 in Visual Studio 2012

10 years, 4 months ago Sergei Golubchik

I suppose, you need to specify the library you want to link with, just setting a library path is not enough. See

10 years, 3 months ago Olivier Freiman

Dear Sergii

Thank you for your very quick answer and very informative link, which I will thoroughly study.

Unfortunately, my first tests failed, (same error). However, I do believe that you were perfectly right, and that after you kindly indicated me the right direction to go, I will finally reach success.

When that will be the case (hopefully very soon), I'll put a word here with the complete solution.

I also thank you for having taken to pain to reformat my question, which will not be necessary next time, since I discovered the very discreet link at the bottom of this page, which points to Wiki Creole syntax (I had previously tested, with no success, obviously, BBCode).

Once again, all my thanks.

Olivier Freiman, Paris, France

10 years, 3 months ago Sergei Golubchik

When you add a comment or a question, there's a text on the right or below the input field, that says "Questions and answers use Wiki Creole syntax for markup. Please see editing help for more information." with links to the formatting help.

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