maxscale 21.06.17 version setting question
We were using the MAXSCALE 2.2.21 version, so we were protecting and using the server. Then, this time, I am trying to use MAXSCALE 21.06.17, but in this version, I found out that the parameter that regulates the weight can no longer use. I can't use the parameter, but can I keep the DB SLEEP Session as much as I want or bypass the weight for each division? For this reason, when we use MainTenance, we know that the MAXSCALE official documentation is a description that maintains the existing session and prevents the new session. However, in the WE WAS, the packet check is made before checking. ex error) Unexpected End of Stream, Read 0 bytes from 4 (Socket Was Closed by Server) I want to solve this method 1. 1. When you do Maintenance, you can keep it as much as you want to hold the 'SLEEP' session, 2. I understand that the parameter that regulates the weight has disappeared, but I would like to know if there is a way to set the weight for each server.
Weights have been removed from MaxScale but you can usually achieve a better result by customizing the routing with the namedserverfilter.
As for maintenance mode causing applications to close, this is expected behavior: servers in maintenance do not interrupt ongoing queries but new queries on them are refused. A less strict version of this is the drain state that can be set with maxctrl set server <server> drain
. Draining servers prevents new connections from being created but it lets existing connection to continue using them.