MaxScale 24.02 MariaDB/MySQL Authenticator

MariaDB/MySQL Authenticator

The MariaDBAuth-module implements the client and backend authentication for the server plugin mysql_native_password. This is the default authentication plugin used by both MariaDB and MySQL.

Authenticator options

The following settings may be given in the authenticator_options of the listener.


Boolean, default value is "false". Activates passthrough-mode. In this mode, MaxScale does not check client credentials at all and defers authentication to the backend server. This feature is primarily meant to be used with Xpand LDAP- authentication, although it may be useful in any situation where MaxScale cannot check the existence of client user account nor authenticate the client.

When a client connects to a listener with this setting enabled, MaxScale will change authentication method to "mysql_clear_password", causing the client to send their cleartext password to MaxScale. MaxScale will then attempt to use the password to authenticate to backends. The authentication result of the first backend to respond will be sent to the client. The backend may ask MaxScale for either cleartext password or standard ("mysql_native_password") authentication token. MaxScale can work with both backend plugins since it has the original password.

This feature is incompatible with service setting lazy_connect. Either leave it unspecified or set lazy_connect=false in the linked service. Also, multiple client authenticators are not allowed on the listener when passthrough-mode is on.

Because passwords are sent in cleartext, the listener should be configured for ssl.

<other options>


  • Type: boolean
  • Mandatory: No
  • Dynamic: No
  • Default: false

The service setting log_auth_warnings must also be enabled for this setting to have effect. When both settings are enabled, password hashes are logged if a client gives a wrong password. This feature may be useful when diagnosing authentication issues. It should only be enabled on a secure system as the logging of password hashes may be a security risk.


Deprecated and ignored.


Deprecated and ignored.


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