MaxScale 24.08 Beta Building MariaDB MaxScale from Source Code

Building MariaDB MaxScale from Source Code

MariaDB MaxScale can be built on any system that meets the requirements. The main requirements are as follows:

  • CMake version 3.16 or later (Packaging requires CMake 3.25.1 or later)
  • GCC version 4.9 or later
  • OpenSSL version 1.0.1 or later
  • git
  • libxml2
  • SASL2 (cyrus-sasl)
  • Node.js 10 or newer
  • libcurl
  • libatomic
  • PAM
  • SQLite3 version 3.3 or later
  • libuuid
  • tcl

This is the minimum set of requirements that must be met to build the MaxScale core package.


This installs MaxScale as if it was installed from a package. Install git before running the following commands.

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../MaxScale -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
sudo make install
sudo ./postinst

Required Packages

For a definitive list of packages, consult the script.

Configuring the Build

The tests and other parts of the build can be controlled via CMake arguments.

Here is a small table with the names of the most common parameters and what they control. These should all be given as parameters to the -D switch in NAME=VALUE format (e.g. -DBUILD_TESTS=Y).

Argument Name Explanation
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Location where MariaDB MaxScale will be installed to. Set this to /usr if you want MariaDB MaxScale installed into the same place the packages are installed.
BUILD_TESTS Build unit tests
WITH_SCRIPTS Install systemd and init.d scripts
PACKAGE Enable building of packages
TARGET_COMPONENT Which component to install, default is the 'core' package. Other targets are 'experimental', which installs experimental packages and 'all' which installs all components.
TARBALL Build tar.gz packages, requires PACKAGE=Y

Note: You can look into defaults.cmake for a list of the CMake variables.

Running unit tests

To run the MaxScale unit test suite, configure the build with -DBUILD_TESTS=Y, compile and then run the make test command.

Building MariaDB MaxScale packages

If you wish to build packages, just add -DPACKAGE=Y to the CMake invocation and build the package with make package instead of installing MaxScale with make install. This process will create a RPM/DEB package depending on your system.

To build a tarball, add -DTARBALL=Y to the cmake invocation. This will create a maxscale-x.y.z.tar.gz file where x.y.z is the version number.

Some Debian and Ubuntu systems suffer from a bug where make package fails with errors from dpkg-shlibdeps. This can be fixed by running make before make package and adding the path to the library to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/server/core/ make package

Installing optional components

The MaxScale build system is split into multiple components. The main component is the core MaxScale package which contains MaxScale and all the modules. This is the default component that is build, installed and packaged. There is also the experimental component that contains all experimental modules which are not considered as part of the core MaxScale package and are either alpha or beta quality modules.

To build the experimental modules along with the MaxScale core components, invoke CMake with -DTARGET_COMPONENT=core,experimental.


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