MaxScale 24.08 Beta Encrypting Passwords

Encrypting Passwords

Note: The password encryption format changed in MaxScale 2.5. All encrypted passwords created with MaxScale 2.4 or older need to be re-encrypted.

There are two options for representing the password, either plain text or encrypted passwords may be used. In order to use encrypted passwords a set of keys must be generated that will be used by the encryption and decryption process. To generate the keys, use the maxkeys command.


By default the key file will be generated in /var/lib/maxscale. If a different directory is required, it can be given as the first argument to the program. For more information, see maxkeys --help.

Once the keys have been created the maxpasswd command can be used to generate the encrypted password.

maxpasswd plainpassword

The username and password, either encrypted or plain text, are stored in the service section using the user and password parameters.

If a custom location was used for the key file, give it as the first argument to maxpasswd and pass the password to be encrypted as the second argument. For more information, see maxkeys --help.

Here is an example configuration that uses an encrypted password.

servers=dbserv1, dbserv2, dbserv3

If the key file is not in the default location, the datadir parameter must be set to the directory that contains it.


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