Comments - maxscale fee filter error

8 years, 5 months ago 상봉 이

Thanks, maxscale started correctly. However, whenever I tried to connect maxscale authentication fails. Each mysql server I can connect as root remotely.

Error log is as follows;

[root@localhost maxscale]# tail -f error1.log ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Logging is enabled. 2016-01-26 18:27:24 MaxScale received signal SIGTERM. Exiting. 2016-01-26 18:27:24 MaxScale is shut down. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

MariaDB Corporation MaxScale /var/log/maxscale/error1.log Tue Jan 26 18:27:36 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Logging is enabled. 2016-01-26 18:28:24 Data Service: login attempt for user 'root', authentication failed.

8 years, 5 months ago Markus Mäkelä

That is probably caused by the default behavior of not allowing root user to be used. If you want to enable it, please read the enable_root_user description in the Service section of the configuration guide:

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