Comments - MaxScale Read/Write Splitting with Galera Cluster

8 years, 3 months ago Yu Denis
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Having socket info should not be a problem.If specified,i got:

MaxScale> list listeners Listeners. ---------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-------+-------- Service Name | Protocol Module | Address | Port | State ---------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-------+-------- Splitter Service | MySQLClient | * | 3308 | Running Splitter Service | MySQLClient | /tmp/ClusterMaster | 0 | Running CLI | maxscaled | localhost | 6603 | Running ---------------------+--------------------+-----------------+-------+--------

Make use the user starting the maxscale is the same user owns /tmp/ClusterMaster. Initially i have root owns everything,then later i start the maxscale with "mysql" user, but /tmp/ClusterMaster is sill owned by root, that causes problem in my case,

- Denis

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