Comments - Maxscale rejoin after auto-failover

5 years, 2 months ago Yoann La Cancellera

This is strange, I reproduced it with full durable settings, semi sync (configured with wait_point=after_sync)

It should either be replicated, or not committed. I cannot show it now, but I could see a replication thread got killed in logs

I'm talking about 1-2 commits missed for about 500 writes/sec

5 years, 1 month ago Markus Mäkelä

Sorry for the late reply. If you can reliably reproduce this, I'd like to ask you to open a bug report on the MariaDB Jira under the MaxScale project if this still happens with the latest 2.3 version of MaxScale. This way we'll be better able to track the progress of this issue.

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