MariaDB Connector/J 1.7.5 Release Notes

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The most recent Stable (GA) release of MariaDB Connector/J is:
MariaDB Connector/J 3.4.1

Download Release Notes Changelog Connector/J Overview

Release date: 09 Dec 2020

MariaDB Connector/J 1.7.5 is a Stable (GA) release.

For an overview of MariaDB Connector/J see the About MariaDB Connector/J page

Bug correction:

this version contain report 2 corrections from 2.x branch :

  • CONJ-682 internal pool correction: when receiving an RST during connection validation, the pool will end up throwing connection timeout exception in place of reusing another connection.
  • CONJ-522 pool closing : racing condition correction

Note: This page describes features in an unreleased version of MariaDB Connector/J.

Unreleased means there are no official packages or binaries available for download which contain the features. The source code is available on GitHub.


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