Comments - Mirroring the MariaDB Knowledge Base

5 years, 9 months ago oniter

Thx a lot. Now it works again.

For anyone who needs an offline documentation, this is the unique methode as today.

For an idea what you get:

approx. 22,000 files and folders with

approx. 700 MB

It took me 6 1/2 hours with a 1Mbit/s connection, which never reached their limit.

(As a tar.gz it would be only 1 1/2 hours instead.)

Pictures are missing in the offline docu!

Some experiences and suggestions with the topic "offline documentation":

1) If you try to find "offline documentation" over the search on the main page you get "Your search yielded no results."

2) I found first the following task while looking for a pdf version of the documentation:

which easily bring me to this site. I think the topic "offline documentation" is easier to find for anyone if you have an extra topic for that under even as last listed, where this site is linked to or are the one.

3) I would be happy, if some day a pdf-version is available.

4) I would appreciate, if you could generate a tar.gz or/and zip file which is easier and way more faster to download (in my case factor 4) including pictures. From server site this is easily to reach as a weekly or daily version.

But if there are only a few out who needs this, don't care. I'm satisfied with what I got now,

an excellent documentation of an excellent software and this offline ;-)

5 years, 9 months ago oniter

But I'm absolutly not satisfied that there is no working search in the offline version!

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