Mirror Sites for MariaDB

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We rely on mirrors to distribute MariaDB to the world through the official download site at https://mariadb.org/download. If you would like to volunteer to become a mirror, thank you! Getting you set up is easy.

The state of MariaDB mirrors is monitored at https://mirmon.mariadb.org/

How to Become a MariaDB Mirror

The only requirements for becoming a mirror are:

  1. A willingness to mirror MariaDB
  2. Mirroring is done using rsync
  3. An https mirror should be utilised (http mirrors are not accepted any more)
  4. Available bandwidth and disk space
    • Each release of MariaDB takes about between 80-100GB of disk space for all of the various packages we create. There are several MariaDB releases per year, but only the most recent two from each main MariaDB series (as of February 2024 this is 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.11, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 ) are kept on the mirrors
    • We recommend our mirrors have at least a 100Mbit/sec connection to the Internet
  5. The ability to do directory listings on mirrored sub-directories on your mirror host (for some platforms the download page links directly to mirrored sub-directories)
  6. The mirror should update itself, preferably every 6 hours, but at the very least, twice a day. (See Updating Notes for more information)

Updating Notes

MariaDB will normally have no more than one release per series (10.4, 10.5, etc...) per month. There may be times when this is not the case (such as if a major bug is found), but those times are few.

Timing for release announcements is generally oriented to the U.S. Eastern time zone. So if your mirror only updates less frequently than every 6 hours, have it update after midnight, but before 06:00, U.S. Eastern Time.

With rsync, it is no problem to update several times per day, and doing so is encouraged.

rsync Information

The two primary rsync URLs for mirrors to use are:





Here are suggested rsync commands for a mirror to use:

rsync -a --partial --delete-after --delay-updates mirror.netcologne.de::mariadb /path/to/local/download/directory/rsync_test
rsync -a --partial --delete-after --delay-updates rsync.osuosl.org::mariadb /path/to/local/download/directory/rsync_test

Be aware that when using the above rsync command, a "mariadb" directory will not be created. Instead, the contents of the mariadb module will be rsynced into whatever local folder you specify. We suggest creating a "mariadb" folder for this.

It is also a good idea to test your rsync command before adding it to a cron job by adding the -v --dry-run flags to the command temporarily so you can see what it will do (without actually doing anything).

As of April 2019, running the above command will use around 500GB of disk space in total.

See the rsync documentation for details on what each of the arguments in the command above does.

Secondary rsync mirrors

We also have several secondary rsync mirrors you can pull from. In many instances pulling from the secondary mirror is faster than pulling from the primary rsync mirrors. Here they are, with the country they are located in. Simply replace the rsync URI in the example above with one from this list to use it.


Getting Added to the Mirror List

Once you have initially mirrored the MariaDB release tree, please send an email to (mirror (at) mariadb [dot] org) with the following information:

  1. The name of the company or organization sponsoring the mirror (so we can give credit where credit is due).
  2. Contact name (and email address) for your mirror (so we know who to contact if there are any issues)
  3. The general physical location (e.g. "Paris, France", "Hong Kong", or "Austin, Texas, USA") of the mirror (we use geolocation to try and send people to a mirror close to them).
  4. The base public URL for the mirror (e.g. 'http://mirror.example.net/pub/mariadb').
  5. The mirror you are using to rsync from

Once we receive your email and verify your mirror is working we'll add you to the list of mirrors. Apologies in advance in case of slow responses - mirror updates are usually batched around release time.

Thank you for volunteering to mirror MariaDB!


The primary MariaDB mirrors have been generously provided by the Oregon State University Open Source Lab (at rsync.osuosl.org) and NetCologne (at mirror.netcologne.de)

Other mirrors (list not necessarily complete) are listed below and can be selected on the mariadb.org/download/ site:


  • AARNet (Brisbane)
  • Digital Pacific (Sydney)
  • Real World Group (Sydney)
  • Starburst Services (Sydney)


  • Digital Nova (Graz)
  • Kumi Systems e.U (Vienna)
  • next layer GmbH (Vienna)


  • YER Hosting


  • ACORN-NS (Halifax)


  • Insacom (Valparaíso)
  • NetActuate (Santiago)

China - 中国

  • Dalian Neusoft University of Information / 大连东软信息学院 (Dalian)
  • 清华大学 TUNA 协会 - Tsinghua University TUNA Association (Beijing)
  • 中国科学技术大学, 合肥 - USTC (Hefei)
  • eScience Center, Nanjing University (南京大学)

Czech Republic

  • HOSTING90 systems (Prague)
  • vpsFree.cz


  • dotsrc.org - Aalborg University (Aalborg)
  • One.com (Copenhagen)


  • xTom GmbH (Tallinn)


  • Institut de Genetique Humaine (Montpellier)


  • 23media (Frankfurt)
  • AG DSN (Dresden)
  • creoline GmbH (Frankfurt am Main)
  • dogado GmbH (Leipzig)
  • Host Europe GmbH
  • IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH (Hamburg)
  • NetCologne GmbH
  • wilhelm.tel GmbH (Hamburg)
  • www.n-ix.net (Nuremberg)
  • xTom GmbH (Düsseldorf)


  • University of Crete / Computer Center (Crete, Heraklion)

Hong Kong

  • 網匯在線有限公司 - Nethub Online Limited
  • xTom GmbH (Hong Kong)


  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest)


  • PT. Biznet Gio Nusantara (Jakarta)
  • Universitas Surabaya (Surabaya)


  • AASAAM Group
  • Alma Host


  • HEAnet Ltd. (Dublin)


  • EvoWise (Milan)


  • 山形大学, 米沢市 - Yamagata University (Yonezawa)
  • xTom GmbH (Osaka)


  • Liquid Telecom (Nairobi)


  • UAB "Interneto Vizija" (Vilnius)


  • ihost.md (Chisinau)
  • MangoHost.NET (Chisinau)


  • Marwan

The Netherlands

  • bouwhuis.network (Amsterdam)
  • NLUUG (Amsterdam)
  • Serverion.com (Zoetermeer)
  • Triple IT B.V.
  • xTom GmbH (Amsterdam)


  • Terrahost AS


  • RISE


  • ICM UW (Interdisciplinary Centre for Modelling, Warsaw University)


  • PTISP (Lisbon)
  • Universidade do Porto


  • Chroot Network (Bucharest)
  • nxtHost.com (Bucharest)


  • docker.ru (Moscow)
  • МИФИ - National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow)
  • Truenetwork (Novosibirsk)


  • Daan van Gorkum
  • National University of Singapore
  • Starburst Services (Singapore)

South Korea


  • EvoWise (Madrid)


  • MvA Internet Services GmbH (Zurich)


  • OSSPlanet + Ubuntu-TW - Ubuntu 台灣在地推廣組
  • Blendbyte (Taipei)


  • Khon Kaen University (Khon Kaen)
  • THZHost.com (Bangkok)


  • FastMirror
  • mirohost.net (Kyiv)

United Kingdom

  • Starburst Hosting (Portsmouth)

The United States of America (USA)

  • Accretive Networks (Washington, Seattle)
  • EvoWise (California, Los Angeles)
  • EvoWise (New York, New York)
  • Gigenet (Chicago, Illinois)
  • KnownHost (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • Limestone Networks (Texas, Dallas)
  • Nodes Direct (Florida, Jacksonville)
  • Rackspace (Dallas, Virginia, Chicago, London, Sydney, Hong Kong)
  • Starburst Services (St. Louis, MO)
  • xTom GmbH (San Jose, California)


  • Universidad de la República - Facultad de Derecho (Montevideo)


  • BKNS.VN (Hanoi)

The MariaDB Archive

The distributed mirrors above only hold the most recent 3-4 releases of each MariaDB series (10.5, 10.4, etc...). If you need to access older MariaDB releases, there is an archive server that contains every MariaDB release. This server is available via the web at https://archive.mariadb.org and via rsync at:


Mirroring the MariaDB Archive with rsync

To mirror the archive with rsync, something like the following will get you everything:

rsync -avP archive.mariadb.org::mariadb/ /path/to/local/dir/

...or you can specify a specific release such as:

rsync -avP archive.mariadb.org::mariadb/mariadb-10.4.13/ /path/to/local/dir/

Warning, as of January 2023, the entire archive will use around 10 TB of disk space in total, and if you want to keep your mirror up to date (via cron routine for instance), please first compare the STATUS file before doing the rsync. This file will be updated anytime a new content is added in the archive tree.

You can use something like the following:

rsync archive.mariadb.org::mariadb/STATUS /tmp/STATUS
diff -q /tmp/STATUS /path/to/local/dir/STATUS || rsync -avP archive.mariadb.org::mariadb/ /path/to/local/dir/

We reserve the right to block IPs that continually rsync the archive mirror when no new content was added, since it uselessly overloads the archive server, which uses a slow remote storage system.

To get a listing of the top level items in the archive including a list of every MariaDB release, just do:

rsync archive.mariadb.org::mariadb

If you would like to become a full archive mirror of MariaDB and be listed here, just let us know via the contact information above. Thanks!


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