Comments - MONyog Replication Error

6 years, 10 months ago Sibin AS

The "Slave running?" counter uses the global status variable “Slave_running" to fetch the status of the slave, i.e, whether it is connected to the replication master or not, the value returned by "Slave_running" is affected by the value of "show_compatibility_56" system variable if the MySQL server is 5.7.6 and above.

If you are using MySQL 5.7.6 and above, you need to enable "show_compatibility_56" to get the value, please try enabling it for your MySQL server, and it should work. To enable it, add the line "show_compatibility_56=ON" under [mysqld] in MySQL configuration file and restart the MySQL server.

Also, we did fix this issue in Monyog 8.0.3, such that "Slave_running?" counter will display "(n/a)" instead of "No", if the "show_compatibility_56" MySQL variable is OFF. Note that this is a temporary fix/workaround for false alerts, we will be fixing it in one of our coming releases. Refer the release note here >>

You can refer to MySQL documentation here >> Sibin (Webyog)

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