MyRocks and data compression

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MyRocks supports several compression algorithms.

Supported compression algorithms

Supported compression algorithms can be checked like so:

MariaDB [test]> show variables like 'rocksdb%compress%';
| Variable_name                       | Value                              |
| rocksdb_supported_compression_types | Snappy,Zlib,LZ4,LZ4HC,ZSTDNotFinal |

Another way to make the check is to look into #rocksdb/LOG file in the data directory. It should have lines like:

2019/04/12-14:08:23.869919 7f839188b540 Compression algorithms supported:
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869920 7f839188b540         kZSTDNotFinalCompression supported: 1
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869922 7f839188b540         kZSTD supported: 1
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869923 7f839188b540         kXpressCompression supported: 0
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869924 7f839188b540         kLZ4HCCompression supported: 1
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869924 7f839188b540         kLZ4Compression supported: 1
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869925 7f839188b540         kBZip2Compression supported: 0
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869926 7f839188b540         kZlibCompression supported: 1
2019/04/12-14:08:23.869927 7f839188b540         kSnappyCompression supported: 1


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