MyRocks System Variables

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  1. rocksdb_access_hint_on_compaction_start
  2. rocksdb_advise_random_on_open
  3. rocksdb_allow_concurrent_memtable_write
  4. rocksdb_allow_mmap_reads
  5. rocksdb_allow_mmap_writes
  6. rocksdb_background_sync
  7. rocksdb_base_background_compactions
  8. rocksdb_blind_delete_primary_key
  9. rocksdb_block_cache_size
  10. rocksdb_block_restart_interval
  11. rocksdb_block_size
  12. rocksdb_block_size_deviation
  13. rocksdb_bulk_load
  14. rocksdb_bulk_load_allow_unsorted
  15. rocksdb_bulk_load_size
  16. rocksdb_bytes_per_sync
  17. rocksdb_cache_index_and_filter_blocks
  18. rocksdb_checksums_pct
  19. rocksdb_collect_sst_properties
  20. rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle
  21. rocksdb_compact_cf
  22. rocksdb_compaction_readahead_size
  23. rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes
  24. rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes_count_sd
  25. rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes_file_size
  26. rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes_window
  27. rocksdb_concurrent_prepare
  28. rocksdb_create_checkpoint
  29. rocksdb_create_if_missing
  30. rocksdb_create_missing_column_families
  31. rocksdb_datadir
  32. rocksdb_db_write_buffer_size
  33. rocksdb_deadlock_detect
  34. rocksdb_deadlock_detect_depth
  35. rocksdb_debug_optimizer_no_zero_cardinality
  36. rocksdb_debug_ttl_ignore_pk
  37. rocksdb_debug_ttl_read_filter_ts
  38. rocksdb_debug_ttl_rec_ts
  39. rocksdb_debug_ttl_snapshot_ts
  40. rocksdb_default_cf_options
  41. rocksdb_delayed_write_rate
  42. rocksdb_delete_obsolete_files_period_micros
  43. rocksdb_enable_2pc
  44. rocksdb_enable_bulk_load_api
  45. rocksdb_enable_thread_tracking
  46. rocksdb_enable_ttl
  47. rocksdb_enable_ttl_read_filtering
  48. rocksdb_enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield
  49. rocksdb_error_if_exists
  50. rocksdb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
  51. rocksdb_flush_memtable_on_analyze
  52. rocksdb_force_compute_memtable_stats
  53. rocksdb_force_compute_memtable_stats_cachetime
  54. rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_and_lzero_now
  55. rocksdb_force_flush_memtable_now
  56. rocksdb_force_index_records_in_range
  57. rocksdb_git_hash
  58. rocksdb_hash_index_allow_collision
  59. rocksdb_index_type
  60. rocksdb_info_log_level
  61. rocksdb_io_write_timeout
  62. rocksdb_is_fd_close_on_exec
  63. rocksdb_keep_log_file_num
  64. rocksdb_large_prefix
  65. rocksdb_lock_scanned_rows
  66. rocksdb_lock_wait_timeout
  67. rocksdb_log_file_time_to_roll
  68. rocksdb_manifest_preallocation_size
  69. rocksdb_manual_wal_flush
  70. rocksdb_master_skip_tx_api
  71. rocksdb_max_background_compactions
  72. rocksdb_max_background_flushes
  73. rocksdb_max_background_jobs
  74. rocksdb_max_latest_deadlocks
  75. rocksdb_max_log_file_size
  76. rocksdb_max_manifest_file_size
  77. rocksdb_max_open_files
  78. rocksdb_max_row_locks
  79. rocksdb_max_subcompactions
  80. rocksdb_max_total_wal_size
  81. rocksdb_merge_buf_size
  82. rocksdb_merge_combine_read_size
  83. rocksdb_merge_tmp_file_removal_delay_ms
  84. rocksdb_new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs
  85. rocksdb_no_block_cache
  86. rocksdb_override_cf_options
  87. rocksdb_paranoid_checks
  88. rocksdb_pause_background_work
  89. rocksdb_perf_context_level
  90. rocksdb_persistent_cache_path
  91. rocksdb_persistent_cache_size_mb
  92. rocksdb_pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache
  93. rocksdb_print_snapshot_conflict_queries
  94. rocksdb_rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec
  95. rocksdb_read_free_rpl_tables
  96. rocksdb_records_in_range
  97. rocksdb_reset_stats
  98. rocksdb_seconds_between_stat_computes
  99. rocksdb_signal_drop_index_thread
  100. rocksdb_sim_cache_size
  101. rocksdb_skip_bloom_filter_on_read
  102. rocksdb_skip_fill_cache
  103. rocksdb_skip_unique_check_tables
  104. rocksdb_sst_mgr_rate_bytes_per_sec
  105. rocksdb_stats_dump_period_sec
  106. rocksdb_store_row_debug_checksums
  107. rocksdb_strict_collation_check
  108. rocksdb_strict_collation_exceptions
  109. rocksdb_supported_compression_types
  110. rocksdb_table_cache_numshardbits
  111. rocksdb_table_stats_sampling_pct
  112. rocksdb_tmpdir
  113. rocksdb_trace_sst_api
  114. rocksdb_unsafe_for_binlog
  115. rocksdb_update_cf_options
  116. rocksdb_use_adaptive_mutex
  117. rocksdb_use_clock_cache
  118. rocksdb_use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction
  119. rocksdb_use_direct_reads
  120. rocksdb_use_fsync
  121. rocksdb_validate_tables
  122. rocksdb_verify_row_debug_checksums
  123. rocksdb_wal_bytes_per_sync
  124. rocksdb_wal_dir
  125. rocksdb_wal_recovery_mode
  126. rocksdb_wal_size_limit_mb
  127. rocksdb_wal_ttl_seconds
  128. rocksdb_whole_key_filtering
  129. rocksdb_write_batch_max_bytes
  130. rocksdb_write_disable_wal
  131. rocksdb_write_ignore_missing_column_families

This page documents system variables related to the MyRocks storage engine. See Server System Variables for a complete list of system variables and instructions on setting them.

See also the Full list of MariaDB options, system and status variables.


  • Description: DBOptions::access_hint_on_compaction_start for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-access-hint-on-compaction-start=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 0 to 3


  • Description: DBOptions::advise_random_on_open for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-advise-random-on-open={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: DBOptions::allow_concurrent_memtable_write for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-allow-concurrent-memtable-write={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::allow_mmap_reads for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-allow-mmap-reads={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::allow_mmap_writes for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-allow-mmap-writes={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Turns on background syncs for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-background-sync={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF
  • Removed: MariaDB 10.3.1, MariaDB 10.2.8


  • Description: DBOptions::base_background_compactions for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-base-background-compactions=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: -1 to 64
  • Removed: MariaDB 10.3.1, MariaDB 10.2.8


  • Description: Deleting rows by primary key lookup, without reading rows (Blind Deletes). Blind delete is disabled if the table has secondary key.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-blind-delete-primary-key={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Block_cache size for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-block-cache-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 536870912
  • Range: 1024 to 9223372036854775807

To see the statistics of block cache usage, check SHOW ENGINE ROCKSDB STATUS output (search for lines starting with rocksdb.block.cache).

One can check the size of data of the block cache in DB_BLOCK_CACHE_USAGE column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROCKSDB_DBSTATS table.


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::block_restart_interval for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-block-restart-interval=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 16
  • Range: 1 to 2147483647


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::block_size for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-block-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 4096
  • Range: 1 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::block_size_deviation for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-block-size-deviation=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 10
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Use bulk-load mode for inserts. This disables unique_checks and enables rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-bulk-load={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Allow unsorted input during bulk-load. Can be changed only when bulk load is disabled.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-bulk-load_allow_unsorted={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Maximum number of records in a batch for bulk-load mode.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-bulk-load-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1000
  • Range: 1 to 1073741824


  • Description: DBOptions::bytes_per_sync for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-bytes-per-sync=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::cache_index_and_filter_blocks for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-cache-index-and-filter_blocks={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Percentage of rows to be checksummed.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-checksums-pct=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 100
  • Range: 0 to 100


  • Description: Enables collecting SST file properties on each flush.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-collect-sst-properties={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Commit rows implicitly every rocksdb_bulk_load_size, on bulk load/insert, update and delete.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-commit-in-the-middle={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Compact column family.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compact-cf=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::compaction_readahead_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compaction-readahead-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: RocksDB will trigger compaction for the file if it has more than this number sequential deletes per window.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 2000000


  • Description: Counting SingleDelete as rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-count-sd={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Minimum file size required for compaction_sequential_deletes.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-file-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: -1 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: Size of the window for counting rocksdb_compaction_sequential_deletes.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-compaction-sequential-deletes-window=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 2000000


  • Description: DBOptions::concurrent_prepare for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-coconcurrent-prepare={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: 1
  • Removed: MariaDB 10.3.7, MariaDB 10.2.15


  • Description: Checkpoint directory.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-create-checkpoint=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::create_if_missing for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-create-if-missing={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: DBOptions::create_missing_column_families for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-create-missing-column-families={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: RocksDB data directory.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-datadir[=value]
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: ./.rocksdb


  • Description: DBOptions::db_write_buffer_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-db-write-buffer-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: Enables deadlock detection.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-deadlock-detect={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Number of transactions deadlock detection will traverse through before assuming deadlock.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-deadlock-detect-depth=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 50
  • Range: 2 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: If cardinality is zero, override it with some value.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-debug-optimizer-no-zero-cardinality={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: For debugging purposes only. If true, compaction filtering will not occur on PK TTL data. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-debug-ttl-ignore-pk={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: For debugging purposes only. Overrides the TTL read filtering time to time + debug_ttl_read_filter_ts. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-debug-ttl-read-filter-ts=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: -3600 to 3600


  • Description: For debugging purposes only. Overrides the TTL of records to now() + debug_ttl_rec_ts. The value can be +/- to simulate a record inserted in the past vs a record inserted in the 'future'. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-debug-ttl-read-filter-ts=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: -3600 to 3600


  • Description: For debugging purposes only. Sets the snapshot during compaction to now() + debug_set_ttl_snapshot_ts. The value can be positive or negative to simulate a snapshot in the past vs a snapshot created in the 'future'. A value of 0 denotes that the variable is not set. This variable is a no-op in non-debug builds.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-debug-ttl-snapshot-ts=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: -3600 to 3600


  • Description: Default cf options for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-default-cf-options=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::delayed_write_rate.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-delayed-write-rate=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 16777216
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::delete_obsolete_files_period_micros for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-delete-obsolete-files-period-micros=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 21600000000
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: Enable two phase commit for MyRocks. When set, MyRocks will keep its data consistent with the binary log (in other words, the server will be a crash-safe master). The consistency is achieved by doing two-phase XA commit with the binary log.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-2pc={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Enables using SstFileWriter for bulk loading.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-bulk-load-api={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: DBOptions::enable_thread_tracking for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-thread-tracking={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Enable expired TTL records to be dropped during compaction.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-ttl={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: For tables with TTL, expired records are skipped/filtered out during processing and in query results. Disabling this will allow these records to be seen, but as a result rows may disappear in the middle of transactions as they are dropped during compaction. Use with caution.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-ttl-read-filtering={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: DBOptions::enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-enable-write-thread-adaptive-yield={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::error_if_exists for RocksDBB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-error-if-exists={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Sync on transaction commit. Similar to innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit. 1: sync on commit, 0,2: not sync on commit. One can check the flushing by examining the rocksdb_wal_synced and rocksdb_wal_bytes status variables.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 0 to 2


  • Description: Forces memtable flush on ANALZYE table to get accurate cardinality.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-flush-memtable-on-analyze={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON
  • Removed: MariaDB 10.3.7, MariaDB 10.2.15


  • Description: Force to always compute memtable stats.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-force-compute-memtable-stats={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Time in usecs to cache memtable estimates.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-force-compute-memtable-stats-cachetime=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 60000000
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Acts similar to force_flush_memtable_now, but also compacts all L0 files.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-force-flush-memtable-and-lzero-now={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Forces memstore flush which may block all write requests so be careful.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-force-flush-memtable-now={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Used to override the result of records_in_range() when FORCE INDEX is used.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-force-index-records-in-range=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Git revision of the RocksDB library used by MyRocks.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-git-hash=value=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: As per git revision.


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::hash_index_allow_collision for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-hash-index-allow-collision={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::index_type for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-index-type=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: enum
  • Default Value: kBinarySearch
  • Valid Values: kBinarySearch, kHashSearch


  • Description: Filter level for info logs to be written mysqld error log. Valid values include 'debug_level', 'info_level', 'warn_level''error_level' and 'fatal_level'.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-info-log-level=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: enum
  • Default Value: error_level
  • Valid Values: error_level, debug_level, info_level, warn_level, fatal_level


  • Description: Timeout for experimental I/O watchdog.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-io-write-timeout=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Valid Values: 0 to 4294967295


  • Description: DBOptions::is_fd_close_on_exec for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-is-fd-close-on-exec={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: DBOptions::keep_log_file_num for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-keep-log-file-num=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1000
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: Support large index prefix length of 3072 bytes. If off, the maximum index prefix length is 767.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-large_prefix={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Take and hold locks on rows that are scanned but not updated.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-lock-scanned-rows={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Number of seconds to wait for lock.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-lock-wait-timeout=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 1 to 1073741824


  • Description: DBOptions::log_file_time_to_roll for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-log-file-time-to_roll=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::manifest_preallocation_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-manifest-preallocation-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::manual_wal_flush for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-manual-wal-flush={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Skipping holding any lock on row access. Not effective on slave.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-master-skip-tx-api={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::max_background_compactions for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-background-compactions=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 1 to 64
  • Removed:


  • Description: DBOptions::max_background_flushes for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-background-flushes=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 1 to 64
  • Removed:


  • Description: DBOptions::max_background_jobs for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-background-jobs=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 2
  • Range: -1 to 64


  • Description: Maximum number of recent deadlocks to store.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-latest-deadlocks=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 5
  • Range: 0 to 4294967295


  • Description: DBOptions::max_log_file_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-log-file-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::max_manifest_file_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-manifest-log-file-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 18446744073709551615
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::max_open_files for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-open-files=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: -1
  • Range: -1 to 2147483647



  • Description: DBOptions::max_subcompactions for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-subcompactions=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 1 to 64


  • Description: DBOptions::max_total_wal_size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-max-total-wal-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: Size to allocate for merge sort buffers written out to disk during inplace index creation.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-merge-buf-size=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 67108864
  • Range: 100 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: Size that we have to work with during combine (reading from disk) phase of external sort during fast index creation.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-merge-combine-read-size=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1073741824
  • Range: 100 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: Fast index creation creates a large tmp file on disk during index creation. Removing this large file all at once when index creation is complete can cause trim stalls on Flash. This variable specifies a duration to sleep (in milliseconds) between calling chsize() to truncate the file in chunks. The chunk size is the same as merge_buf_size.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-merge-tmp-file-removal-delay-ms=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-new-table-reader-for-compaction-inputs={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::no_block_cache for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-no-block-cache={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Option overrides per cf for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-override-cf-options=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::paranoid_checks for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-paranoid-checks={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Disable all rocksdb background operations.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-pause-background-work={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Perf Context Level for rocksdb internal timer stat collection.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-perf-context-level=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 4


  • Description: Path for BlockBasedTableOptions::persistent_cache for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-persistent-cache-path=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: Size of cache in MB for BlockBasedTableOptions::persistent_cache for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-persistent-cache-size-mb=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-pin-l0-filter-and-index-blocks-in-cache={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Logging queries that got snapshot conflict errors into *.err log.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-print-snapshot-conflict-queries={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::rate_limiter bytes_per_sec for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-rate-limiter-bytes-per-sec=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: List of tables that will use read-free replication on the slave (i.e. not lookup a row during replication).
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-read-free-rpl-tables=value
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: Used to override the result of records_in_range(). Set to a positive number to override.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-records-in-range=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Reset the RocksDB internal statistics without restarting the DB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-reset-stats={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Sets a number of seconds to wait between optimizer stats recomputation. Only changed indexes will be refreshed.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-seconds-between-stat-computes=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 3600
  • Range: 0 to 4294967295


  • Description: Wake up drop index thread.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-signal-drop-index-thread={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Simulated cache size for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-sim-cache-size=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: Skip using bloom filter for reads.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-skip-bloom-filter-on_read={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Skip filling block cache on read requests.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-skip-fill-cache={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Skip unique constraint checking for the specified tables.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-skip-unique-check-tables=value
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: .*


  • Description: DBOptions::sst_file_manager rate_bytes_per_sec for RocksDB
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-sst-mgr-rate-bytes-per-sec=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::stats_dump_period_sec for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-stats-dump-period-sec=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 600
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Include checksums when writing index/table records.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-store-row-debug-checksums={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Enforce case sensitive collation for MyRocks indexes.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-strict-collation-check={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: List of tables (using regex) that are excluded from the case sensitive collation enforcement.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-strict-collation-exceptions=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: Compression algorithms supported by RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-supported-compression-types=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: Snappy,Zlib


  • Description: DBOptions::table_cache_numshardbits for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-table-cache-numshardbits=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 6
  • Range: 0 to 2147483647


  • Description: Percentage of entries to sample when collecting statistics about table properties. Specify either 0 to sample everything or percentage [1..100]. By default 10% of entries are sampled.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-table-stats-sampling-pct=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 10
  • Range: 0 to 100


  • Description: Directory for temporary files during DDL operations.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-tmpdir[=value]
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: Generate trace output in the log for each call to the SstFileWriter.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-trace-sst-api={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Allowing statement based binary logging which may break consistency.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-unsafe-for-binlog={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Option updates per column family for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-update-cf-options=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: varchar
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::use_adaptive_mutex for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-use-adaptive-mutex={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Use ClockCache instead of default LRUCache for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-use-clock-cache={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-use-direct-io-for-flush-and-compaction={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::use_direct_reads for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-use-direct-reads={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::use_fsync for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-use-fsync={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: Verify all .frm files match all RocksDB tables (0 means no verification, 1 means verify and fail on error, and 2 means verify but continue.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-validate-tables=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 0 to 2


  • Description: Verify checksums when reading index/table records.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-verify-row-debug-checksums={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: DBOptions::wal_bytes_per_sync for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-wal-bytes-per-sync=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: DBOptions::wal_dir for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-wal-dir=value
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: string
  • Default Value: (Empty)


  • Description: DBOptions::wal_recovery_mode for RocksDB. Default is kAbsoluteConsistency.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-wal-recovery-mode=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 1
  • Range: 0 to 3


  • Description: DBOptions::WAL_size_limit_MB for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-wal-size-limit-mb=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: DBOptions::WAL_ttl_seconds for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-wal-ttl-seconds=#
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 9223372036854775807


  • Description: BlockBasedTableOptions::whole_key_filtering for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-whole-key-filtering={0|1}
  • Scope: Global
  • Dynamic: No
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: ON


  • Description: Maximum size of write batch in bytes. 0 means no limit.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-write-batch-max-bytes=#
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: numeric
  • Default Value: 0
  • Range: 0 to 18446744073709551615


  • Description: WriteOptions::disableWAL for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-write-disable-wal={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


  • Description: WriteOptions::ignore_missing_column_families for RocksDB.
  • Commandline: --rocksdb-write-ignore-missing-column-familiesl={0|1}
  • Scope: Global, Session
  • Dynamic: Yes
  • Data Type: boolean
  • Default Value: OFF


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